Rhinoplasty - Face2Face Clinic | Helping trans women transition successfully


Standard rhinoplasty techniques can be used to reduce (or reshape) the nose and give it clear feminine contours/proportions. The nose should be in harmony with the rest of the face. As the nose feminizes, the dorsum (back of the nose) usually becomes smaller, and the tip of the nose becomes more refined and higher. Reducing the brow bone creates a more comfortable angle between the nose and forehead. 

After all, the nose is the most prominent feature of the face.

What makes a nose masculine or feminine?

Male nose

  • Bigger.
  • The angle between the forehead and the nose is strongly pronounced.
  • The angle between nose and lip is less pronounced.

Female nose

  • Smaller.
  • The angle between the forehead and nose is more vertical.
  • The angle between nose and lip is more accentuated.


  1. General anesthesia: Nasal feminization is usually performed under general anesthesia. Very occasionally, it may be done under local anesthesia and sedation. The surgery usually takes one to two hours.
  2. Incision: In almost all rhinoplasty procedures, we prefer the "open method" because it gives the surgeon more working space. A small incision is made on the outside of the skin between the nostrils. After a few months, the scar is generally almost invisible.
  3. Sutures: The incisions will be closed with small sutures.


Does rhinoplasty hurt?

Pain after surgery is usually mild and well controlled with painkillers. There may be a numb feeling in and around the nose because the small nerves have been disabled. Normal feeling returns after a few weeks or months.

Why not bend over after rhinoplasty?

To allow the nose to heal as well as possible, it is important not to put too much pressure on the nose for the first few weeks after surgery.

When will I see my final result?

The final result of the procedure can be evaluated after about 6-12 months. Only then will all swelling have completely disappeared, and the healing process is complete.

How to sleep after rhinoplasty?

It is important not to lie completely flat.

How long should you not exercise after rhinoplasty?

Limit your physical activity for the first few days after surgery. Contact sports should be avoided for 6 weeks.

What about smoking?

Because smoking interferes with wound healing, we strongly recommend not smoking for 3 weeks before/until 3 weeks after surgery.

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I underwent Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) performed by Dr. Beckers and Dr. Van Genechten from Face2Face Clinic. It is undoubtedly one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Lucie TeckFacial Feminization Surgery