Recovery and aftercare - Face2Face Clinic | Helping trans women transition successfully

What can I expect after my hair transplant?

Healing process

Below is a brief overview of the healing process after a hair transplant:

  • Day 1: Napache is possible. You may take paracetamol for pain (two 500mg tablets up to four times a day).
  • Day 1 and 2: The wounds may bleed a little; wound fluid is normal.
  • Day 2 and 3: Swelling is possible. It occurs especially when transplanted near the inlets or the front part of the head, the swelling subsides toward the eyes. In most cases, this occurs on the fourth day after surgery.
  • Day 3: You will wash your hair for the first time.
  • Day 1 to 7: When you go to sleep, you should use the neck pillow.
  • Day 5 to 10: Scabs come off.
  • Day 10: Most swelling is gone.
  • Day 14: All scabs are now off. Sometimes this process may take 1 to 4 days longer.

Redness is part of the healing process.

Hair transplant aftercare tips

Here are some helpful tips regarding aftercare after a hair transplant:

  • Make sure your head is higher than the rest of your body to allow any wound fluid to drain and reduce swelling.
  • Try to sleep on your back.
  • Cooling is allowed, but never directly on the transplanted area. Always try to cool on areas where the swelling sinks to in the face.
  • You should be able to return to work or normal activities in about 3 days.
  • Do not do any sports exercises for about a week.


What are the possible side effects of a hair transplant? The most common side effect is scarring. Some degree of scarring cannot be avoided with any procedure. 

The FUE harvesting technique of grafts causes very small, round and usually white scars in the donor area of the patient where the grafts were removed. With long hair, these are virtually undetectable.

Other possible side effects include:

  • Infections;
  • Crusting or pus around surgical sites;
  • Scalp pain, itching and swelling;
  • Inflammation of hair follicles (folliculitis);
  • Bleeding;
  • Loss of sensation around the surgical sites;
  • Visible areas of hair that do not match the surrounding hair or are noticeably thinner;
  • Persistent hair loss if your hair is still balding.

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy, also known as Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) or photobiomodulation, is an innovative approach that is increasingly being utilized in various medical and aesthetic procedures, including hair transplants. This non-invasive therapy utilizes low levels of red light to stimulate cellular activity and promote the healing process.

After a hair transplant, Red Light Therapy can have beneficial effects on both the recovery process and the quality of the transplanted hair. Here are some ways in which the use of Red Light Therapy can be advantageous:

  • Acceleration of the healing process: Red light has been shown to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation, expediting the healing process after a hair transplant. This can result in less swelling, discomfort, and faster wound healing.
  • Stimulation of hair growth: Studies suggest that Red Light Therapy can stimulate the hair growth cycle by increasing the activity of hair follicles. It can also enhance the density and thickness of the transplanted hair, resulting in a fuller and healthier appearance.
  • Reduction of scarring: By promoting healthy cell regeneration, Red Light Therapy can assist in reducing scarring after a hair transplant. This is particularly relevant for patients concerned about visible scars on the scalp.
  • Pain relief: Red light possesses analgesic (pain-relieving) properties and can contribute to reducing pain and discomfort after the hair transplant.
  • Improvement of overall scalp health: By stimulating blood circulation and cellular activity, Red Light Therapy can contribute to a healthier scalp, which in turn can improve the overall condition of the hair.

Red Light Therapy is a valuable complementary treatment after a hair transplant, with potential positive effects on the healing process and aesthetic results.

As an additional benefit, after a hair transplant in our clinic, you will receive a complimentary session of Red Light Therapy. This free treatment is intended to optimize the healing process and support the overall health of your transplanted hair.

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